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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Does this movie make me look fat?

I'm pretty disappointed that my friend who ALWAYS sends me quirky movie trailers missed this one. FatGIRLS doesn't look like your typical independent, low-budget, gay film with hotties that stumble at "acting" and awkwardly go from scene to scene. It looks like a fun, eccentric, REAL type of low-budget film. I'm not sure exactly what I think about this film (I mean, I've only seen the trailer), but I'm definitely intrigued.

Favorite lines so far:
  • "Can I tell you a secret?I'"
    "That's no secret. You know that, right?"
    "Really? No...I thought I was butch."

  • "Are those condoms?"
    "The school counselor gave them to me, cuz I'm an 'alternatives-lifestylesstudent' now."

1 comment:

  1. So when is movie night ;)

    The move actually looks funny.
