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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Out on the scene: pics from Napa's first same-sex marriages

Thanks to NapkinRick for pictures from this historic morning at Napa County's Clerk/Recorder's office. (I had a creamer incident that precluded me from attending personally)...

The one (yes, only one) protester. His sign reads "Wickedness has never been Happiness."

I guess the state spent all their time updating the applications/licenses and not on updating the rest of the materials!

Napa County Clerk John Tuteur poses with the five happy Napa couples (or should I say families?) that obtained marriage licenses when the office opened at 8:00 am this morning. Deb Stallings and Carol Whichard were the first couple. The five couples have been together a total of 99 years.

Again, CONGRATULATIONS to all of the families and couples that just got married (and all those who will)! Another note: aren't you glad that they got rid of the old, ugly clocktower? Can you imagine the hideous wedding photos if it was still there?

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