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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

CA Governor signs 3 new LGBT supportive laws, and 2 trans laws vetoed

Here's a quick roundup of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's recent LGBT focused activity, from Monday when he signed and vetoed a mountain of bills waiting for him on his desk. Firstly, the Governor signed three pro-LGBT laws:
  • Harvey Milk Day--May 22, Milk's birthday--is now a state day of recognition and the first such holiday recognizing a gay or lesbian person in the United States. It is not an official State Holiday, but the Governor must proclaim it statewide each May 22 and schools are encouraged to teach lessons about Milk's contributions to the state.

    "While the governor vetoed the bill honoring Milk last year, President Obama's awarding Milk the Presidential Medal of Freedom and an Academy Award-winning film about Milk's life moved Schwarzenegger to sign the bill, spokesman Aaron McLear said." [SFGate]

  • Out-of-state same-sex marriage recognition

    "Senate Bill 54 also requires that California recognize the union of couples that marry in states where same-sex marriage is legal. As required by Proposition 8, California will not recognize such couples as “married.” However, Senate Bill 54 will provide the same legal protections that would otherwise be available to couples that enter into civil unions or domestic partnerships out-of-state. In short, this measure honors the will of the People in enacting Proposition 8 while providing important protections to those unions legally entered into in other states." [Towleroad]

  • Domestic Violence funding for same-sex couples "The Governor also signed EQCA-sponsored legislation by Assemblymember John A. PĂ©rez to help leverage funding for same-sex domestic violence services" [Pam'sHouseBlend]
The Governor did veto two pro-trans bills:
  • Equal ID Act / LGBT Prisoner Safety Act: on the grounds that existing law and policy already provided the protections the bills sought to put into statute: the Equal ID Act, allowing transgender people to obtain new birth certificates and the LGBT Prisoner Safety Act, considering sexual orientation and gender identity to safely house prisoners. "While we believe it is important to have these protections in statute rather than just as policy or court precedent and are disappointed by the vetoes, the Governor's reaffirmation of these policies will hopefully help ensure they are enforced." [Pam'sHouseBlend]

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