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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Open Topic: Having children

What are your thoughts on having children?


  1. My partner and I have been together for 10 years 7 days ago. :) We will be trying to have kids within the few months. I'd love to know others that are trying/ have conceived/ have started-have families.

  2. Posted on the napa register site under the blog: prop 8. What do you say to this? Please comment on the page, because I don't think they know me... and you.

    " The issue is not whether we are tolerant of homosexuality. Rather, it is whether we want to preserve the meaning and status of marriage in our state. Homosexuals do not have the right to change an established social institution to accommodate their lifestyle.

    I can be tolerant of homosexuals and still vote YES on Measure 8. The two are not mutually exclusive.

    Allowing "same-sex marriage" would be a great mistake. Where it has been legalized, same-sex marriage decreases the total number of marriages while increasing illegitimacy. Nine European nations have had same-sex marriage since the early 90s—and just 2 percent of same-sex couples in these countries ever bother to marry, while there has been a 46 percent increase in out-of-wedlock births. Same-sex couples simply do not marry in significant number when given the legal right to do so. Since legalizing same sex marriage, more heterosexual couples have had children out of wedlock. In these nations, 70 percent of all births now take place outside of marriage, and among first-time mothers, 80 percent are unmarried. Same-sex marriage will result in fewer total marriages and more children born out of wedlock. There is an undeniable, statistically significant correlation here.
    "Same-sex marriage" demeans and defiles traditional marriage. "
