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Saturday, August 16, 2008

"Can we tell you about the Gospel?....Oh, and Vote Yes on Prop 8"

photo by aaronandstacia

In a response to a serious call from the President (whom church members refer to as The Prophet) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (aka LDS, Mormons, etc.), recent trainings, emails and organizing have been taking place and some of Napa's Mormon church members went door-to-door today (others are making phone calls) in Napa urging locals to vote YES on Proposition 8 this November.
LDS Church officials are urging California Mormons to "do all you can" to support a state constitutional amendment to recognize only marriages between a man and a woman. The call to action came from the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in a letter that [was] to be read to local California congregations, church spokesman Scott Trotter said.

"The church's teachings and position on this moral issue are unequivocal," the letter reads. "Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God, and the formation of families is central to the creator's plan for his children. Children are entitled to be born within this bond of marriage." [DeseretNews]

I don't have any exact copies of the recent "training emails" going around, but they had prepared responses to any objections that they might hear when talking to their neighbors. These prepared responses were worded along the lines of, "Oh, no this isn't against homosexuals, this is just to preserve traditional marriage." and "We're not trying to take away any rights from people, we just want to preserve tradition." (Actually, according to the ballot, it would take away rights.)

A Mormon friend of mine, in part trying to reconcile her friendship with me and the complexities of how her faith is telling her otherwise (she deeply believes in what for her is the truth of her church, cares deeply for me and knows I didn't choose to be gay), thinks the bigger issue is that her church is fearful that this is another step towards a fuller acceptance of homosexuality. (Her Church preaches/teaches that God says that homosexuality is evil.) I guess the complexities of life cause me to reconcile my friendship with someone who feels deep down that my "lifestyle" is sinful but who has 17 years of friendship telling me that she loves and cares for me.

I ask this at the same time I'm trying to integrate my sexuality, my faith (I'm Catholic and the Vatican isn't preaching much better on this issue) and the rest of my whole person. With the history of civilization echoing the same, I ask, "Why does religion seem to cause so much hurt and harm alongside of so much good?"

Did the Mormons come knocking on your door with reasons to vote against gay marriage?
In similar news, Latter Day Saint Church leaders--only weeks ago--called off a historic meeting with a gay Mormon group. [Chicago Tribune]


  1. LDS (Mormon) ‘Yes on 8′ Game Plan

    I’ve posted a letter sent from Boyd K. Packer on July 28th to the LDS stake presidents in California:

    Apparently, there is a plan in place to put up one million ‘Yes on 8′ yard signs at 7:00 am on September 22nd.

  2. I followed your link and see that you have all sorts of good updates on the Daily Kos site. Thanks, Chino! ;)

    PS - how'd you find me?
