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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Gays and mayonnaise: not what you might think

Just caught this from the LGTBlogosphere about a new Heinz advertisement (in England?) for mayo with a gay twist. (The commercial has the gay twist, not the mayonnaise. The mayonnaise has a deli twist: caramelized onions, sun dried tomato, roasted garlic and morroccan style flavors, BTW) It looks like a fun twist on gay (married?) life woven into a mayonnaise commercial. However, it might just also stir things up w/ the conservative mayonnaise lovers (OMG now my mayonnaise is gay?? Next thing you'll be telling me there's bestiality ketchup!). I think it might be controversial, but only because some less than open minded people don't want to see two dudes kissing when they're thinking about sandwiches and condiments.

Your take?


  1. Oh that is a great commercial! They should have some of those in the states. Well at least on the Logo and Bravo networks ;)

  2. Love that commercial it's so gay :)

  3. Looks like Bill O'Reilly had a meltdown when he saw this. Check it out:
