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Monday, June 30, 2008

Do these commercials make me look gay?

So Heinz isn't the first (or definitely not the last) to run a gay aimed commercial. As we mentioned, however, in an earlier post, Heinz took a risk, ran the ad, and then, after getting 200 complaints (I still don't see how that is a lot) decided to pull the ad and save their image. Except now all the gay community is upset. Well, just for fun and just because, here are a handful of other ads from around that cater to a more--let's say, discerning--type of person. Enjoy.and then, just for fun...If you are reading this through an RSS reader, chances are you are missing out on this HILARIOUS SNL clip for gay beer, featuring Chris Farley and Adam Sandler.Thanks to for some of the codes.


  1. That was funny! I think my favorite was the beer commercial =)

  2. great video collage
